About Us
The college campus is located at Dadhi Pakaria, P.O.- Pakaria, P.S. - Shmbhuganj, District- Banka. The college is run and managed by a committee with the representatives of guardians , students, non-teaching and teaching staff and highly educated persons, public representatives and renowned social workers of the District nominated by GAUTAM SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL TRUST.
President - Shalini Singh Secretary- Nitu Kumari Treasurer - Sudhir Prasad Singh
Government owned: NIL Government aided: NIL Finance: Self-Financed University Department: NIL
The aim of this college is to impart proper training as per norms and standards of National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi, and of the University of Tilkamanjhi Bhagalpur University. Great stress will given to buildup character to improve intelligence, aptitude, creativity, personality etc. through different psychological test. Strict adherence to routine, rules and discipline of the college will be essential for the satisfactory attainment of the objectives. These are the mottos of the Governing Body of this Institution. To produce quality teachers for playing their significant role in the emerging knowledge of the society for educational reconstruction tending to result in total reconstruction of the nation by adhering to the very statement of the Education Commission (1964-66) that, “The destiny of India is being shaped in her classrooms”. The vision of this Institution to be one of the best Teachers Training Centre in the State producing dedicated teachers who will have the ideal of man-making education propounded by Swami Vivekananda. This mission is as under:
To acquaint with the teacher- trainees with proper explanation of the very statement, “Teachers are not born rather made and teaching is not every body’s cup of tea”. To motivate and stimulate the teacher-trainees for their active participation in the teaching-learning process. The cause is for obtaining proper understanding of the learning situation in order to stick to learning as the “construction of knowledge” and they are the “constructors of knowledge” as the students. To aware and encourage the teacher trainees for their active participation in extra-curricular activities as well as in the organization of Seminars, Workshops and Research related programs for their total development. To carry out research works categorically project works basing upon the community and students needs and problems of the teacher-trainees. To keep contact with having interaction and working in collaboration with the educational agencies and Governing Body for ensuring quality in teacher education programmes. To spread Teacher Education programme in a rural backward areas like this area and opportunity for higher education among women. To avail job opportunities and facilities of self employment for the young generation of this locality. “Keeping all these considerations in view, the vision and mission of SKM B Ed College, the College is running the regular B.Ed. & D.El.Ed. courses. It is marching to give this institution a temple of learning, teaching, training, research and extension a practical shape as the Centre of Excellence”.
Intake: 100
D.El.Ed. Course : 2(Two) years Full time
Intake: 100